Description: A Klein blue rectangle with the words “a blue…slipping backwards. Sinking, not falling.” “For blue, there are no boundaries or solutions.”

Blue Description Project

Saturday April 6, 2024 ~ 8pm

Blue Description Project screening at Winslow House, Vallejo. Presented by Personal Space in conjunction with the exhibition, Quark! Complimentary warm meal and blue beverages by Leif Hedendal.

Suggested donation $10

All proceeds benefit the Solano AIDS Coalition

No one turned away for lack of funds

A crowd gathers at Winslow House to watch Blue Description Project, presented by Personal Space. Saturday April 6, 2024.

The Blue Description Project (BDP) is an audio description and captioning project—produced by Crip*—Cripistemology and the Arts in collaboration with Voices in the Gallery— that engages Derek Jarman's Blue (1993) via expanded and critical accessibility. As Jarman wrote in Chroma (1994): “if I have overlooked something you hold precious—write it in the margin.” BDP takes up this invitation by creating a new, experimental iteration of Blue on the 30th anniversary of its release and Jarman’s death. The BDP iteration features creative captions and audio description that have been sourced from numerous contributors. It attempts to convey, express, engage, respond, evoke, articulate, replicate, translate, transmogrify, channel, and transcend what blue is/was/could be....

In 1993, the British artist Derek Jarman released Blue, an epoch-defining account of AIDS, illness, and the experience of disability in a culture of repressive heteronormativity and compulsory able-bodiedness. Despite being referred to as a feature film, Blue never existed exclusively in one medium. It was screened in theaters, simulcast on television and radio, released as a CD, and published as a book, creating opportunities for many different kinds of sensory abilities—visual, aural, and textual—to experience the work. The Blue Description Project, conceived by artists and writers Christopher Jones, Liza Sylvestre and Sarah Hayden builds on the multifaceted nature of Jarman’s work through newly commissioned and expansive accessibility. Reflecting Blue’s standing as a foundational work of Crip art, the project challenges ableist hierarchies in art while focusing on the generative possibilities of difference and interdependence. 

Written transcript of BDP :

BDP crowd source:

Derek Jarman being canonized by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, 1991. Image credit: Denis Doran


Over Lap and Lay